Are you looking to get good m,arks in Introduction to Business ? You can easily get good marks by doing very less effort if you prepare for exams according to right syllabus. Here I am going to share some important Question for The Introduction to Business Examination 2018.
Introduction To Business(ITB) Important Question 2018
- Q.1 (a) Discuss the scope and objectives of business.
- (b) What are the effects of Privatization over economy of Pakistan?
- (c) Explain any 4 environments which effect business activities.
- Q.2(a) Define TRADE and COMMERCE.
- (b) Explain the various problems faced by a business main establishing a
- business. Explain in detail.
- Q.3(a) Differentiate between Capitalism & Socialism.
- (b) State the ‘Economic System’ which has been followed in Pakistan.
- Q.4(a) Enumerate the characteristics of MIXED ECONOMY.
- (b) Describe “Social Responsibility of Business”.
- Q.5(a) Differentiate between sole proprietorship and partnership
- (b) Discuss the main feature of a Joint Stock Company.
- (c) Differentiate between Private and Public Company.
- (d) Prospectus
- Q.6 Define the following terms
- (i) Partnership deed (ii) Formation of joint stock company
- (iii) Clauses of Memorandum and Articles of Association
- Q.7(a)Discuss the importance of FINANCING BY LEASING, in modern day of business.
- (b) Briefly explain the classification of CAPITAL MARKETS.
- Q.8(a) Define Insurance. Briefly explain various types of insurance.
- (b)What are different types of business goods.
- Q.9(a)What do you mean by channel of distribution?
- (b) Describe the importance of middle men in the manufacturer?
- Q.1 O(a)Define Marketing and narrate its importance in the modern business world.
- (b)Why many departmental stores have not been established in Pakistan?
- Q.11(a) State the role of multinational companies in the industrial development of Pakistan.
- (b) Write a short essay on personal management.
- Q.12(a) Define “Combination”? Give reasons which lead to Establishment of Business Combination.
- (b) Describe Syndicates and Pools.
- Q.13 State the services of the Whole Selle rto the
- (i) Manufacturer and (ii) Retailer
- Q.14(a) List and Explain the Business Risks?
- (b) Write down the characteristics of an Insurable Risk.
- Q.1 5 Write short notes on any FOUR of the following.
- (i) Advertising (ii) Market Segmentation
- (iii) Departmental Store
- (iv) Functions of Stock Exchange
- (v) Product life cycle
- (vi) Chain stores
- (vii) Inventory control
- (viii) Qualities of a good business man
- (ix) Tariff
- (x) Stock Exchange
- (xi) Free Trade
- (xii) Major Transportation System in Pakistan
- (xiii) Orientation and training
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